Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Welcome Home

When we moved into this house fifteen years ago, there were already two window screens missing. We broke a third by repeatedly removing it to put up and take down Christmas lights. While we lived in England, our tenants kept a large dog (the lease stipulated “no pets”) who actually ATE a window screen. For weeks after moving back in, we’d find poop in the yard with embedded bits of screen. A few weeks ago, we were cleaning the garage and ran across a perfectly good screen that doesn’t fit a single window in our house. (How does that even happen?) I stared at it for a couple of days, then started watching YouTube videos about how to repair broken screens. I didn’t have the right tools, but I pulled apart the mismatched screen and rebuilt it to replace the one the dog ate. Now I’m itching to use my new skill to replace the other missing screens.

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