Wednesday 31 December 2014

Easy Eights Quilt

I know it’s the season for stomach bugs, but they still catch me off guard. Even when I’ve been around other people who have been ill, it seldom occurs to me that I might catch what’s “going around.” When I do come down with a norovirus, it always seems to happen in the middle of the night on a weekend or a major holiday, or during a horrible snowstorm. I never seem to have the right things in my pantry when my stomach gets upset, and it’s not convenient to send someone out for them. Here’s my shopping list for the next time it happens: mint tea, Gatorade, clear fruit juices, popsicles (we like Outshine), chicken broth or Pedialyte to keep hydrated and to replace electrolytes. When the vomiting subsides, saltine crackers are a wonderful treat. So are dry toast, applesauce, rice, and bananas. Later on, a little yogurt can help your stomach feel normal again.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Flower Girl

If you’ve bought a toy or a child’s outfit in the last decade, you’ve probably noticed a change. If you haven’t, you may be in for a shock. There’s a clear line today between products meant for girls and products meant for boys. In toy stores there are “girl” aisles full of immodestly dressed dolls in fuchsia, carnation, rose, lavender and magenta. If you’re lucky enough to find a non-doll toy there, it too will be packaged in pink. Even the Lego line for girls – Lego Friends – is just more pink dolls. The next aisle over will be full of guns, tanks, battleships and jeeps in khaki, olive and navy. It’s the same in the clothing department; there are no gender-neutral clothes for sale, even for newborns. It hasn’t always been this way. Manufacturers and marketing firms used to understand boys might want an Easy Bake Oven and girls might like building space ships. They've either developed amnesia or they've lost what little imagination they once had.

Monday 29 December 2014

Kendra's Christmas Star

Each life that touches ours for good reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above through words and deeds of those who love.
What greater gift dost thou bestow, what greater goodness can we know
Than Christ-like friends, whose gentle ways strengthen our faith, enrich our days.
When such a friend from us departs, we hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory, bringing us nearer, Lord, to thee.
For worthy friends whose lives proclaim devotion to the Savior’s name,
Who bless our days with peace and love, we praise thy goodness, Lord, above. - Karen Lynn Davidson

Saturday 27 December 2014

Tiny Star Block

It’s no secret that I love The Twilight Zone. One of my favorite episodes is from 1960; Night of the Meek. In it, Art Carney plays a down-on-his-luck department store Santa who discovers a magic bag. The episode was remade in 1985 with Soap star Richard Mulligan. I’ve seen more than a dozen Simpsons Christmas episodes, but the first one, Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (1989) is still my favorite. I haven’t watched the most recent Dr. Who Christmas special (yet), but it will have a tough time beating A Christmas Carol (2010) and The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (2011). I’m not the biggest fan of the series Friends, but I wouldn’t mind watching The One with the Holiday Armadillo (2000) again. I’ve enjoyed all the Downton Abbey Christmas specials, but not necessarily because they had anything to do with Christmas. Do you have a favorite Christmas episode/special? I’d love to hear about it.

Friday 26 December 2014

Four Poinsettia Stars

Today is Boxing Day; a day to remember those less fortunate than yourself. You might schedule an appointment to donate a pint of blood or gather nonperishables from your pantry to give to the local food bank. You could shovel walks for elderly neighbors or bring a casserole to the lady down the street who broke her leg skiing. You could babysit for a couple who hasn’t been out on a date in far too long. One very easy way to give is to go through your closet. Pull out everything you KNOW you aren’t wearing and donate it to goodwill. Put everything you’re keeping back in the closet with the hangers turned backwards. For the next twelve months as you wear the clothes you kept, hang them back in your closet with the hangers facing forwards. Next Boxing Day you can donate all the clothes that are still hanging backwards. Voilà! Room for new clothes!

Thursday 25 December 2014

Christmas Table Runner

“True happiness comes only by making others happy—the practical application of the Savior’s doctrine of losing one’s life to gain it. In short, the Christmas spirit makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service. It is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ, obedience to which will bring ‘peace on earth,’ because it means good will toward all men.” – President David O. McKay
“To give of oneself is a holy gift. We give as a remembrance of all the Savior has given. As the Christmas season envelops us with all its glory, may we, as did the Wise Men, seek a bright, particular star to guide us in our celebration of the Savior’s birth. May we all make the journey to Bethlehem in spirit, taking with us a tender, caring heart as our gift to the Savior.” – President Thomas S. Monson