Saturday 30 May 2015

Scrap Basket

I’ve ranted before about the whole pink-for-girls and drab-for-boys thing. Just try to buy a toy or an article of clothing for anyone under the age of 15, and you’ll see what I mean. I suspect today’s approach to gender-specific colors would confuse our grandparents. White was the preferred color for babies and children of any sex until they were at least old enough to go to school; primarily because white clothes and diapers could be bleached. Older children were dressed in paler shades of the colors adults wore. Red was considered a strong, virile, masculine color, while blue was thought of as dainty, delicate, and feminine. That means boys were more likely to be dressed in pink, while girls more often wore pale blue. It wasn’t until the early 20th century – and quite possibly as late as the 1940s – that we began to think of blue as being for boys and pink for girls.

Friday 29 May 2015

Twenty-five Blue Daisies

The western shores of Bear Lake are dotted with small towns that swell with tourists every summer. The eastern side is comparatively barren to the state line. But just past the Wyoming border is a hamlet with 500 residents. Minerva Teichert, the LDS artist who created ethereal paintings of scenes from the scriptures, raised her family there. Cokeville was known locally as the “Sheep Capital of the World,” but most of the planet never knew it existed until May 16, 1986. That day a former town marshal and his wife brought guns and a homemade bomb to Cokeville Elementary and held 136 children hostage. When the bomb went off it should have taken nearly everyone with it. Several people suffered burns, but the only fatalities were the two hostage takers. Many of the children reported seeing “other people” that day. Several described a beautiful woman who directed them to the windows. I sometimes imagine she looked something like this:

Thursday 28 May 2015

Victoria's Crown

In most of the U.S. you can’t marry your first cousin. In some states – Nevada, for instance – it’s actually a criminal offense. Drive to California, and they’re fine with it. The idea of laws like this is to avoid birth defects, which are twice as likely when the parents are first cousins. Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha married his first cousin Queen Victoria of England. (She was more German than English, but that’s another story. And yes, that means the British royal family should be called Saxe-Coburg, but that’s another story, too.) Together they had nine children. I could be wrong, but I don’t think any of them suffered from birth defects. All nine were married to royalty or nobility all over the continent, earning Victoria the nickname, “Grandmother of Europe.” Albert became a household name, at least to children making prank calls in the late 20th century. You didn’t get that reference? Ask your mum.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Blue Swallow

Greetings traveler: Because this motel is a human institution to serve people, and not solely a money-making organization, we hope God will grant you peace and rest while you are under our roof. May this room and motel be your second home. May those you love be near you in thoughts and dreams. Though we may not get to know you we hope you will be as comfortable and happy as if you were in your own house. May the business that brought you this way prosper. May every call you make and every message you receive add to your joy. When you leave, may your journey be safe. We are all travelers. From birth until death we travel between the eternities. May these days be pleasant for you, profitable for society, helpful for those you meet, and a joy to those you know and love best. Sincerely yours, Lillian Redman, owner of the Blue Swallow Motel, Tucumcari New Mexico.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Sixteen Blue Daisies

I love Indian food. It can be difficult to enjoy on a diet, but not impossible. Your best bet is to avoid the appetizers altogether. Samosas and pakoras are delicious, but they have more fat and calories than nearly anything else on the menu. Skip any items that mention paneer (cheese), ghee (clarified butter), or malai (cream). Basmati rice is wonderful, but a little goes a long way. If you must have bread, choose roti (whole wheat) instead of naan (white). Tandoori – roast meat with yoghurt and spices – is a tasty low-calorie choice. Chicken or seafood will be more lean than lamb. Vegetarian dishes with chickpeas or lentils can be leaner still. Beverages like wine or lassis can add a lot of calories to any meal. We’ve gotten into the habit of drinking water instead. When in doubt, ask your server. He or she can offer advice on which dishes will best suit your particular needs.

Monday 25 May 2015

Grey Windy Days

"Feelings become strained, quarrels more frequent and nerves frayed when excess debt knocks on the door. Resources channeled to make payment on debts do not put one crumb on the table, provide one degree of warmth in the house, or bring one thread into a garment. Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had their year's supply of food and clothing and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have at least a year's supply of debt and are food-free."  - President Thomas S. Monson