Friday, 26 June 2020

Nine Log Cabins

When I was a girl, several of my friends kept diaries or journals. They’d hide these like their dearest treasures, often under lock and key. They would have been outraged if anyone read their most private thoughts. Today so many people blog. They’re still writing very personal stuff, but now they get mad if no one bothers to read it. In the grand scheme of things, I know what I write doesn’t reach a huge audience. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Fewer readers just means fewer people who will become offended or lash out. I’ve made nearly 2800 entries here, over nine and a half years; far longer than I’ve kept any ink-and-paper journal. I’m clearly enjoying this, or I would have quit years ago. I enjoy scrolling back through previous entries and reminiscing. I really enjoy people – many of whom I’ve never met and probably never will – who read an entry and found it in some way helpful.

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