Thursday, 20 August 2020

Four Cats

BJ Ross of Altoona, Pennsylvania owns a tuxedo cat with an unusual hobby. Her cat, Jordan, likes to collect shoes. Jordan isn’t content with stealing BJ’s sandals. No, this kleptomaniac kitty roams the neighborhood every night, filching everyone’s footwear. It didn’t take Jordan long to amass a prodigious pile of shoes he’s nabbed from the neighbors. “Last year,” BJ said, “He brought me mice, snakes, and birds. Sometimes it would be garbage, like a chip bag or a rubber glove. Then the shoes started showing up.” At first, she threw them away. Then she realized people must be missing their shoes. So, BJ created a Facebook group to help people reconnect with their lost loafers. BJ posts photos of Jordan’s nightly finds, so they can get back to the right feet. BJ hasn’t been able to curb Jordan’s pilfering, but she has discovered an interesting way to get to know her neighbors.

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