Friday 10 December 2021

Four Anvils


The country known as the Bahamas is a chain of over 700 islands in the Atlantic, just northeast of Cuba. Only about 30 of these islands are inhabited. Most of the rest are refuges teeming with wildlife. The combined land area of the Bahamas is smaller than the state of Connecticut. The largest island in the Bahamas is Andros, but the most populated is New Providence, where the capital city Nassau is located. This isn’t the Caribbean, but Dead Man’s Chest and On Stranger Tides were filmed here. So were Splash, After the Sunset, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and four Bond films. There are a lot of blowholes in the Bahamas: large, underwater caverns with openings on the surface. Ocean waves send water spouting inland and upwards like geysers. There’s also a legendary “monster” here called “La Lusca.” It’s said to be 75 feet long; part eel, part squid, part octopus and part shark.

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