I bought a bag of avocados a week ago. Avocados are
available all year, but are seldom such a nice price. They were large, but very
unripe. I assumed I’d have no trouble using them. I didn’t count on them all ripening
at exactly the same time. The moment the flesh under their stems turned pale
green, we ate one and froze the rest. I’ve heard you can freeze whole and mashed
avocado, but I’ve never done it. I’ve frozen halves by painting cut sides with
lemon juice and wrapping them before sticking them in the freezer. This batch I
peeled, pitted and cut into chunks. I sprinkled the chunks with lemon, arranged
them on silicone mats, and froze them for an hour. Then I popped them into
freezer bags, labeled them and stuck them back in the freezer. Now I can thaw what
I need for avocado toast, guacamole, whatever. Best of all, none of it was wasted!
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