Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Four Knaves

DEAR ABBY: Last week we had our children and grandkids over. We looked after children, cooked, waited on everyone and cleaned up while the adults sat texting on their cellphones. Spending time on the cellphone rather than socializing is rude. It says our company isn’t valued; neither we nor your children are important enough for your attention. It teaches children it isn't necessary to show gratitude when someone prepares their meal. The visit left a bitter taste. It will be a long time before we invite them to our home again. Cellphones are part of our culture, but adults still have the power to turn them off! - DISCONNECTED

DISCONNECTED: While your children sat on their fannies did you TELL them you need help, their kids need minding and their behavior is rude? Please recognize these behaviors don’t spring up overnight, and you may be partly responsible for how your children turned out. Not inviting them isn't the answer; they may not get the hint. 

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