Wednesday, 6 January 2016


New Year’s Resolutions for the whole family:
1. Eat together regularly. The meal doesn’t need to be elaborate or even home-cooked.
2. Create a new tradition: birthday breakfasts in bed, an annual camping trip or a weekly movie night.
3. Select a ‘stay active’ goal: a daily dog walk, weekly Saturday hikes or a family 5K.
4. Try something new together. Take a family cooking class or select a different spot for this year’s vacation.
5. Set a savings goal. Sit everyone down, talk through the family budget and come up with a goal together.
6. Designate a device-free time. Choose a time of day when everyone can take a break from devices, like mealtimes or bedtime.
7. Improve one aspect of the family diet. Try a new vegetable, ditch the greasy takeout, or make and follow a meal plan.
8. Be better listeners. Everyone wants to be heard and understood, but loud voices can drown out others.

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