Friday, 25 March 2016

Four Ships Sailing

Today is Good Friday, the day our Savior gave His life so we might all have eternal life. It’s also the Feast of the Annunciation – supposedly the day the Archangel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her she would be the mother of Christ. No, we don’t know the day this visit happened, any more than we know what day Christ was born. Our best clue is shepherds were in the fields at the time of His birth, so it probably happened in warmer weather; maybe in early spring.  Early Christians (some 400 years later) selected December 25 as a good day to remember Christ’s birth. Their intent was probably to supplant pagan solstice celebrations. But it really is nice that we have Christmas lights and Christmas music just when the world is darkest. Anyway, March 25 comes exactly nine months before December 25, so today would be a good time to let Mary know she’ll need bigger clothes.

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