Saturday, 19 March 2016

There Was a Crooked Man

By this point in a presidential election year, I usually have a pretty good idea of how I’ll vote in November. Not this year. It’s not that I haven’t been paying attention to the debates or comparing the platforms of the individual candidates. I have. I guess I’m waiting for someone to say something along the lines of: “I understand I’m running for the office of president, not king or dictator or emperor or Supreme Being.” Honestly, wouldn’t that be refreshing? I’m tired of hearing what the candidates promise to DO after they’re sworn in as president. I want to hear what they promise NOT to do; like try to bribe me with my own (or anyone else’s) money. Like appoint inept or unethical ambassadors, judges and cabinet members. Like do really embarrassing things in front of foreign dignitaries. Like be a horrible example to my children and grandchildren. Maybe I should just write in “Gandalf the Grey.”

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