Thursday, 9 July 2020

Nine Jars of Bugs

I’m shocked to discover I’ve been holding on to this buggy fabric for fifteen years! Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to hoard stuff like this. Fabric has a shelf life. If it’s exposed to light, it can fade and become brittle. Moisture can destroy it even faster. But even if it’s safely tucked away in a dark, dry cupboard, it will deteriorate, beginning with the folded bits. If I’d pieced these bug jar blocks when the fabric was new, finding matching prints for sashing, cornerstones, borders, back and binding would have been a simple matter. Now I’ll have to get creative and hope the result doesn’t look too “cobbled together.” To be completely honest, I’ve had these scraps so long, I’d forgotten I owned them. I was making face masks for my grandchildren to wear to church, and I dug them up in a bin of novelty prints looking for something that would make them smile.

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