Thursday 14 October 2021

Four Sunflowers


How to Tell You’re an Adult:

You can gain thirty pounds overnight.

You’d rather get a good night’s sleep than go out.

You buy your own toothpaste and underwear. And you pay for them.

Everything hurts, all the time.

You start cushioning all vacations with an extra day off for “recovery time.”

You prefer comfort over style.

You find yourself looking forward to trips to Ikea and Home Depot.

You have a favorite spatula.

Everything you do feels like a chore.

Binge-watching an entire series in a day no longer feels like an accomplishment.

Getting your second leg into your underwear without loosing your balance DOES feel like an accomplishment.

College students suddenly look like they’re twelve years old.

You choose what to do Saturday night based on how you’ll feel Sunday morning.

You’re always annoyed at something.

You finally understand what your parents meant when they said, “You’ll understand when you’re older.”

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