Thursday 28 October 2021

Six Bats


These things seem to come in waves. I actually know a few people dealing with it right now. If you suspect you're a victim of food poisoning, there are some things to keep in mind. First, you shouldn’t head to the medicine cabinet. Your body’s response to a harmful foodborne pathogen is to flush it out. Medicines for diarrhea or upset stomach will only interfere with this effort. Until the worst is over, you’ll want to give your stomach a break from food. Instead, sip clear liquids like water, ginger or mint tea, non-caffeinated soft drinks or chicken broth to keep hydrated while you wait for the storm to pass. Sports drinks with electrolytes are a good idea, too. When you’re ready for more, you can add bland, easily digested foods to your diet, like bananas, egg whites, oatmeal, dry toast, saltines, applesauce, mashed potatoes, gelatin, and rice. Once you’re starting to feel more like yourself again, you’ll want to spend a week or so restoring your intestinal flora with probiotics or natural yogurt.  

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