Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Two Cactus Flowers

In 2011, a Taiwanese woman named Lin Xiaofen was in a bad car accident. Doctors were able to save her, but it took ten units of blood and two units of platelets. More than a decade later, she told her boyfriend Lian the whole story. He let her know he was a regular blood donor. What are the odds, they wondered, that he was among the people whose blood saved her, long before they’d even met? Apparently, in Taiwan, you can actually look that sort of thing up. Here, when I donate, I’m told where my blood was used, but nothing more specific than that. As it turned out, Lian was one of Lin’s donors. (One of at least a dozen, as you can only donate one unit of whole blood every 56 days.) Now, Lian uses the story to encourage others to donate blood. “You might have a chance to save your future wife,” he says.

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