Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Around the Corner


A group of guys, all turning forty, discussed where they should go to celebrate. They decided on Weatherspoon’s in Uxbridge, because the waitresses there were well-endowed and wore very short skirts. A decade later, when their fiftieth birthdays approached, they went to lunch at Weatherspoon’s in Uxbridge, because the food and service there were excellent, and it was a good value for their money. Ten years later, as they were turning sixty, the friends decided to meet at Weatherby’s in Uxbridge, because there was plenty of parking, and they could dine in peace and quiet, with no loud music. In another ten years, the friends chose to celebrate their seventieth birthdays at Weatherspoon’s in Uxbridge, because the restaurant was wheelchair accessible and had a nice disabled toilet. Ten years later, at age eighty, they considered where they should go for lunch. They settled on Weatherspoon’s in Uxbridge, because they’d never been there before.

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