“Priesthood ordinances and covenant promises allow God’s
power to flow into your life with greater efficacy, working in and through you,
empowering and equipping you to reach your full purpose and potential. Carefully
study and ponder the Aaronic and the Melchizedek Priesthood ordinances, the
covenant promises we make with each, and the power of God we access through
those ordinances. Remember, it’s not only who officiates in the ordinance that
matters; what the ordinance and your covenant promise unlock also deserves the
focus of your attention. Partaking of the bread and water is a weekly reminder
of His power working in you to help you overcome. Wearing the garment of the
holy priesthood is a daily reminder of the gift of His power working in you to
help you become. We all have access to the gift of God’s power. Every time we
partake of the sacrament. Every time we cross the threshold of a temple.” – Emily
Belle Freeman
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