Thursday, 13 February 2025

Nine Side Steps


My piano teacher used to ask, “How does a mouse eat an elephant?” The answer is, “One bite at a time.” He meant sometimes big tasks can feel overwhelming. If you divide them into smaller bits and accomplish one, it can give you momentum to tackle another. And another. Here are a few tasks requiring fifteen minutes or less:


Clean out your purse.

Make a shopping list.

Water your houseplants.

Strip and remake a bed.

Vacuum the living room.

Empty waste paper bins.

Clean a bathtub.

Dust light fixtures.

Start sauce for a pasta dinner.

Gather a bag of things to donate.

Scour the kitchen sink.

Scrub a toilet.

Polish the mirrors.

Fold a load of laundry.

Wipe down kitchen countertops.

Walk around the block.

Run an empty dishwasher with a cup of vinegar.

Empty the dishwasher.

Start a load of laundry.

Sweep the kitchen floor.

Purge the toybox of broken toys.

Clean out your car.

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