Saturday 12 August 2017

Holland Magic

We’d just finished a disappointing meal at a nearby restaurant and the waiter showed up with our bill on an electronic tablet. John swiped his card, signed with his finger, and then looked for the spot to add a tip. We were shocked to find a 20% tip had already been added, and that changing the percentage would mean cancelling the transaction. If there was a way to pay without leaving a tip, it wasn’t obvious. When did 20% become the norm? When did tipping cease to be voluntary? In 1922 Emily Post suggested a 10% tip. In 2004, Miss Manners said 15% was acceptable. Will it be 25% in 2027? Why is the percentage going up, when the price of the meals on which the tips are based is certainly keeping pace with inflation? Why do we tip at all? Would it be so hard for restaurants to pay a decent wage?

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