Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Four Corner Trees


“Why do I read? I can't help myself. I read to learn and grow, to laugh and be motivated. I read to understand things I've never been exposed to. I read when I'm crabby; when I've just said monumentally dumb things to the people I love. I read for strength to help me when I feel broken, discouraged, and afraid. I read when I'm angry at the world. I read to find hope. I read because I'm made up not just of skin and bones, of feelings, and a deep need for chocolate, but I'm also made up of words. Words are alive. When I've found a story I love, I read it again and again, like playing a favorite song over and over. Reading isn't passive; I enter the story with the characters, cry with them, laugh with them. Reading for me, is spending time with a friend. A book is a friend. You can’t have too many.” – Gary Paulsen

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