Our cat lost her belled collar sometime before Christmas last year.
We knew it had to be somewhere in the house, so we kept an eye out for it for
weeks. We were surprised to find the collar didn’t turn up when we took down
the holiday decorations. Eventually we gave up and bought her a new one. Last
week I made a batch of fresh mayonnaise and put it in a Tupperware container.
When I reached into the drawer for the lid, it was gone. I remembered that small
lids sometimes fell behind the drawers in my kitchen cabinets, so I pulled out
the bottom drawer and knelt to look for it. The lid wasn’t there, but the cat’s
old collar was. How on earth did her collar get in there? I never did find that
Tupperware lid. I’ve no idea where it could have gone. Maybe I should ask the
or Lucas lol