Wednesday 7 March 2018


I resolved years ago never to give money to beggars when they ask for a handout. (It’s more PC to call them “homeless,” but I don’t KNOW they’re homeless. They ARE begging.) If they ask for food, though, I’ve committed to help. I’ve never regretted making or keeping that commitment. Recently a McDonald's customer in Myrtle Beach invited a homeless man into that establishment to offer him a meal. He was shocked to hear the employees order the homeless man out. When police arrived the good Samaritan objected loudly. He recorded the event as he and his benefactor were escorted out. The resulting video quickly went viral, and a predictable backlash ensued. In their own defense, the McDonald's says this particular homeless man has caused trouble there numerous times. It’s good to remember there really are at least two sides to every story. And that Mickey D’s sells takeaway.

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