Friday 30 March 2018

Four Goslings

Like most of the rest of you, I live in an area where recyclables are picked up from my curb on a regular basis. That’s a pretty big deal for a girl who grew up with “Don’t be a litterbug” and “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.” I cancelled my newspaper subscription when I realized it was filling my recycling bin with paper grocery and department store ads. Now the space in my bin is mostly taken up with the cardboard boxes and hard plastic containers that once held food, beverages, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. One thing you won’t find there anymore is plastic bags. Even if they don’t become airborne and stuck in some tree (Why is garbage day always the windiest day of the week?) plastic bags tend to gum up the machinery at the recycling plant. From now on my groceries come home in paper sacks – or in cotton ones.

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