Friday 23 March 2018

Sixteen Broken Sashes

If I could share a message with everyone on the planet at the same time, it would be this: Please, please stop labeling yourself by the thing (or things) that make you different from the rest of us. Stop calling yourself gay or black or disabled or liberal or atheist or female or whatever. Stop being so quick to take offense when you don’t see your particular minority represented the way you’d like in a movie or television show, in your workplace or government or community. Instead, start thinking of the ways in which we are all the same. If you remember we’re all sons and daughters of the same God, suddenly you find yourself treating everyone else like brothers and sisters should. If you ARE atheist, the very least you can do is remind yourself we’re all fellow passengers to the grave, and there are many ways to make the journey more pleasant for all of us.

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