Thursday 11 July 2024

Four Crabs


Homemade Greek-Style Yogurt


6 cups of milk

1/4 cups plain Greek yogurt


Fill slow cooker with boiling water and set aside, NOT plugged in or turned on. Add milk to a saucepan and warm it to 185F. (Almost, but not quite boiling.) Set pot in a cold plunge (a sink filled with cold water) until milk cools to about 90F. Add a cup of the cooled milk to the yogurt in a small bowl; whisk. Dump hot water out of slow cooker. Add the remaining milk to warmed (but still not plugged in) slow cooker, then pour yogurt/milk mixture into slow cooker. Whisk to combine. Wrap slow cooker in towel and leave it on counter 9 hours. Put a colander in a large bowl and line it with cheese cloth. Pour yogurt into the cheese cloth and let it the excess liquid strain out, in the refrigerator, another 9 hours.

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