Saturday 6 November 2021

Chloe's Cabin


In 2013, in a small town in Romania, fourteen-year-old Cristian Marian Becheanu was heading home from school. Along the way, he saw a crowd gathered and heard the sound of heavy machinery. Three-year-old Gabriel Ruiu had fallen into a well in his family’s yard, and most of the town had gathered for a rescue attempt. Eleven hours passed while men and machinery dug and little Gabriel wailed. The pipe was impossibly narrow and the child was impossibly deep. The solution was an elegant one. Thin-as-a-rail Cristian volunteered to be lowered, head-first into the well with a lamp strapped to his head. When he reached the toddler, he held on tightly and signaled to be pulled back out. The town was so grateful they rewarded Cristian’s bravery with a house and a plot of land. The skinny teenager must be in his twenties by now. If I spoke Romanian, I might be able to tell you how he’s doing.

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