Monday 15 November 2021

Forever Stars


“The scriptures speak of a rich young ruler who ran to Jesus and with genuine sincerity asked, ‘What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?’ After reviewing a list of commandments this fellow had faithfully kept, Jesus told the man to sell all his belongings, give the proceeds to the poor, and follow Him. The boldness of this directive caused the young ruler—in spite of his expensive sandals—to get cold feet. He went away sorrowing because, the scripture says, ‘he had great possessions.’ Obviously, this is an important cautionary tale about the uses of wealth and the needs of the poor. But ultimately it is a story about wholehearted, unreserved devotion to divine responsibility. With or without riches, each of us is to come to Christ with the same uncompromised commitment to His gospel that was expected of this young man. In the vernacular of today’s youth, we are to declare ourselves all in.” - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

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