Thursday 19 September 2024

Log Cabin


“I was at an airport bathroom one day, and as I was washing my hands, the lady to my left got the paper towels, and after she dried off her hands, I remember she turned to the sink and began to wipe down the counters and the fixtures of the sink, and it just looked odd. She was dressed in this nice, classy outfit. She looked really sharp and so I just cracked a joke and I said, ‘You’ve been working here a long time?’ And she smiled and said, ‘You know, it’s not a bad idea to leave things a little better than how you found them.’ I remember the impact that had on me. And I turned and got my paper towels and I wiped down the sink of a public bathroom. Could you imagine what this world would look like if everything we did, we left a little better than when we found it?” – Source Unknown

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