Monday 2 September 2024

Fifteen Butterflies


“You’ve had your own experiences—your own light-filled bursts of testimony. As we recognize, remember, and gather these rays, something wonderful and powerful begins to happen. The reality and power of one ray of testimony reinforces and combines with another, then another, and another. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a ray and there a ray—one small, treasured spiritual moment at a time—there grows up within us a core of light-filled, spiritual experiences. Perhaps no one ray is strong enough or bright enough to constitute a full testimony, but together they can become a light the darkness of doubt cannot overcome. That means in time and through great diligence, we too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time. In the midst of that pillar, we too will find a loving Heavenly Father calling us by name, pointing us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and inviting us to Hear Him!” – Elder Alexander Dushku

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