Saturday, 7 September 2024

Maple Leaf


More names for things you probably didn’t know:

The “na na na” or “la la la,” which don’t have any meaning in the lyrics of any song, are called vocables.

The armhole in your clothes where the sleeve is sewn in is called an armscye.

Finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning is called dysania.

Illegible handwriting is called griffonage.

The little dot over a lower case i or j is called a tittle.

The sick feeling you get after you’ve had too much to eat or drink is called crapulence.

The metal thing you use to measure the length and width of your feet at the shoe store is called a Bannock device.

The space between your thumb and your index finger is called a perlicue.

The white crescent-shaped part of your fingernail or toenail is called a lunule.

A tiny dab of toothpaste is called a nurdle.

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