Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Three Ice Cream Cones


Musician Dave Carroll and his band were flying from Halifax to Omaha, to play a show in 2008. The band was getting ready to change planes in Chicago when they noticed United baggage handlers tossing luggage, including their very expensive guitars. When they arrived in Nebraska, sure enough, Dave’s $3,500 Taylor guitar was badly damaged. After nine months of wrangling with United’s customer service, their response was, “Hun, you signed the waiver.”  Dave thought, “If I were a lawyer, I’d sue.” Instead, he created a song and a music video. He reached out to friends in the music business for help, and found virtually every musician who travels had similar experiences. “United Breaks Guitars” very quickly went viral. United stock plummeted. The airline was forced to offer Dave compensation for his guitar. Dave still flies United. He says, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

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