Saturday 1 June 2024

Sixteen Teacups and Saucers


Ask 100 people for their favorite color, and chances are thirty-five of them will say blue. Blue is hands-down our most beloved color (the runners-up are green, purple, red and orange, in that order) in spite of the fact blue is the rarest color found in nature. I read an article last February that explained blueberries aren’t really blue. Neither are bluish-looking fruits like plums or Concord grapes. A random arrangement of microscopic structures on their natural wax coating makes us see blue. Maybe that helps to explain why blueberry muffins come out green, and blueberry ice cream looks lavender.


Blueberry Ice Cream


1½ cups heavy cream

1 cup milk

2/3 cup sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Dash salt

2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries


Place all ingredients in blender, in this order. Process until smooth. Freeze in ice cream maker according to directions. 

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