Saturday 22 June 2024

Twenty-Five Pin Cushions


For dessert on Father’s Day, I was going to make a cherry lattice pie and a Dutch apple. I intended to make time to do them a day ahead. A lot happened Saturday: we got the oil changed in my car, picked up the groceries we’d forgotten Friday, did a lot of yard work, and bought and installed a lovely string of lights for our patio awning. Before we knew it, the day was done and the pies weren’t. Sunday, the thought of making dough, rolling crusts, assembling pies and baking them was overwhelming. Instead, I coated my slow cooker with cooking spray, dumped in two cans of cherry pie filling (42 ounces total). I melted half a cup (one stick) of butter and stirred it into a box of yellow cake mix. Then I sprinkled the mixture over the cherries, covered it and cooked it on low 4 hours. Our cherry cobbler was great with vanilla ice cream. 

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