Tuesday 11 June 2024

Two Dozen Teacups


“What if you’re WRONG about Jesus? What if it’s all for nothing?”

Church meetings, family home evenings, temple sessions, daily scriptures, visiting the lonely, feeding the hungry, blessing the sick. If I’m wrong, I wasted my life engaged in service. If I’m wrong, I needlessly kept commandments that blessed me with safety and happiness. If I’m wrong, I blindly followed an imaginary Savior, making me more kind and forgiving. If I’m wrong, I’ve felt a “fake” comfort when loved ones passed. In other words, even if I’m wrong, my “error” made me a better man. A better husband and father. A better brother and friend. I’ve lived a life of fulfillment. I’ve learned to respect and serve others. To be kind and generous. To ask for help when I don’t have enough. In short, if I’m right, my eternity is beautiful. If I am wrong, my life is beautiful. – Source Unknown

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