Thursday 10 March 2011


Daddy taught me to play chess before I was ten. That is, he taught me how the pieces move. I liked the knights best. Pawns and rooks were boring. It bothered me that the queen was so powerful while the king was so weak. Bishops were not to be trusted. Again and again I’d plan my strategy, only to have it thwarted by a bishop appearing from nowhere. Grandma taught me checkers, but she liked fox and geese better. My favorite checkerboard game is pyramid. The game is played with only ten checkers in each color, arranged in pyramid shapes at opposite ends of the board. Men may only move forward. They jump as in checkers, but are not removed from the board. The game is won if a player rebuilds his pyramid on the other end of the board, and lost if a player gets “stuck.” Someday I should make a working checkerboard quilt...with a backgammon board on the back.

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