Friday 4 March 2011

The Water Bearer

Once there was a servant whose task was to carry water. He had a pot hanging from each end of a pole he carried across his shoulders. One pot had a crack that leaked water so when it reached its destination it was always half empty. The cracked pot was deeply ashamed of its flaw. One day as it was being refilled it apologized to the water bearer. “Replace me,” it said miserably, “With a new pot you’d waste less water.” The water bearer lifted his full pots. As he walked, he pointed out the lovely flowers along the way. “Have you noticed,” he said to the cracked pot, “they only grow on your side of the path? It’s because you water them every day. If not for your crack there might be no flowers here at all.”

“I give unto men weakness that they may be humble...I will make weak things become strong unto them” - Ether 12:27

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