Wednesday 16 March 2011

Country Roads

Unless you’ve visited England, you really can’t imagine what it’s like to get around. Most Americans know the English drive on the left side of the road. Drivers usually sit on the right side of the car and shift gears with their left hands. It’s not a problem for people who learn to drive here, but it can be disorienting to switch. There are fewer stop lights here, and many more roundabouts. Most roads are very narrow and have no shoulders. In fact, many country roads are so slim that if you encounter another car one of you must back up until you can pull off to the side. A trip of twenty miles typically takes an hour, and a sixty-mile drive will usually eat up two. Unless you get lost, which we nearly always do. We try to bring a bucket and towel wherever we go, because it’s a given that we’ll also lose our lunch along the way.

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