Last Saturday Disney added Merida from Pixar’s movie Brave
to their princess collection. In doing so, they changed her image to more
closely match the other princesses. Her untamed red hair looks like it just
swallowed a liter of mousse. Her realistic shape has become suddenly voluptuous,
and her modest gown altered to display bare shoulders. Her bow and arrows are
mysteriously missing. Even her eyes are more (is there any other way to say
it?) sexy. From cradle to grave women hear two things: “Your looks are the only
important thing about you,” and “You’ll never be pretty enough.” Merida had a
very different message. The original Merida was designed by a woman as a role
model for young girls. She looked like the kind of girl who couldn’t care less
about her looks. But now, in order to sell merchandise to children, she’s become
nothing more than a sex symbol. I expected better from Disney.
I'm very disappointed they changed her....should have left well enough alone!