Saturday 24 September 2016

Crazy House

Two days after her husband Leo passed away Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Her doctors discussed treatment options, including surgery, chemo and radiation therapy. Norma told them, “I’m 90 years old. I’m hitting the road.” She wasn’t in pain and her mind was as sharp as a tack. She’d always dreamed of traveling. Norma and her son upgraded his old Airstream to a larger RV. Her standard poodle Ringo tagged along. They began touring the country last August, seeing places they'd never seen and enjoying life to the fullest. “We see what cancer treatment looks like every day,” said her doctor. “It’s exactly what I would do in this situation.” Friends and family followed their exploits – including Yellowstone and Walt Disney World – on their Facebook page. The last post in February indicated that Norma’s earthly adventure was coming to a close. I can only imagine that by now she’s been reunited with Leo. Bon Voyage, Norma!

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