Thursday 8 September 2016

English Ivy

Last week I dyed a load of little T-shirts royal blue. (They were Toy Story alien costumes for the Salt Lake Comic Con. It’s actually a bigger deal at our house than Halloween.) The recipe called for a packet of blue dye, a quarter cup of salt, and a gallon of almost-but-not-quite boiling water. I knew my tea kettle holds eight cups, and I’ve a glass measuring picture with a similar capacity that fits in my microwave. But suddenly I couldn’t decide if a gallon was two quarts or four. Should I fill and heat both containers or only one? I could have asked Google, but my hands were already deep in drippy rubber gloves. I used to have a magnet with helpful conversions, but somehow it didn't survive the move from England. I’m proud to say I came up with the answer on my own, when I remembered this diagram:

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