Wednesday 7 September 2016

Fresh Pot

Today’s block was really a joint effort. My sister Shari did the embroidery, because she’s absolutely brilliant at that sort of thing. My mother appliquéd the green stems and the blue milk jug. (I guess it might be a coffee pot; I really wouldn’t know the difference.) She also made the clever little red yo-yos that are the flowers. I was happy to let her do the yo-yos and all the appliqué, because she’s brilliant at both and I’m not. The double border was my job. (Can you call it a border when it only touches two sides?) The pattern called for a pale blue scalloped inner border appliquéd over a pink-and-white shirting outer border. I so didn’t want to do that. Instead, I designed a paper-pieced double border that’s almost identical to the original, if you stand across the room and squint a little. Not following the directions. Maybe that’s what I’m brilliant at.

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