Friday 20 April 2018

Four Susanna Blocks

September 1999, everyone was wondering if Jar Jar Binks would ruin the Star Wars franchise or if the Y2K bug would ruin everything else. Our little community was staging a production of Sound of Music in the auditorium of what used to be the Old Park School. My husband and oldest son were in the cast on stage, and our other two sons played in the orchestra pit with me. Our daughter Heather entertained herself (and much of the cast) during rehearsals and performances in the dressing room, the green room and the library that was below the stage. Until closing night. The director and costume mistress decided to surprise us all by dressing Heather in a dirndl, braiding her waist-long hair into a blonde crown, and letting her hand out the music festival awards in Act II. Her smile lit the whole room. After nearly two decades, it’s still one of my happiest memories.

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