Monday 2 April 2018

Nine Goslings

"Mistakes are a fact of life. In fact, it’s the way the Lord teaches his children. Those who fail may wonder why God can’t aid them and help them avoid failure, but there are four reasons he doesn’t.
1. The Lord knows failure will give people experience and shall be for their good.
2. Failure allows individuals to taste the bitter so they can know to prize the good.
3. Failure will prove that the battle is the Lord’s and it is only by his grace that individuals can accomplish God's work and become like him.
4. Failure helps people develop and hone scores of Christlike attributes that cannot be refined except through opposition and in the furnace of affliction.
In a life full of stumbling blocks, each is grateful for second chances. Repentance is God's ever-accessible gift that enables people to go from failure to failure without any loss of enthusiasm. Repentance isn't His backup plan in the event we might fail. Repentance is His plan knowing that we will." - Elder Lynn G. Robbins

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