Wednesday 4 April 2018

Goose and Gosling Quilt

Lisa Wadsworth lives in Florida with her two children: Lauren, 13 and Quin, 11. Last month they were adopted by a stray orange tabby. The Wadsworths assumed he was young cat because he was so small. He was emaciated and walked with difficulty. They fed him, bathed him and named him Ginger. Lisa suggested taking the tabby to the Humane Society, but Quin insisted Ginger needed to be seen by the family vet. He even offered to pay for the visit. The vet checked for a microchip and discovered Ginger’s real name is T2, and he’s sixteen years old. Perry Martin was thrilled to be reunited with the kitty he’d lost in the aftermath of Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. It’s not unusual for an indoor pet to live so long, but a cat in the wild has an average lifespan of five years. So how did T2 manage fourteen years on his own? He’s not saying.

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