Friday 13 April 2018

Nine-Patch Quilt

On our last trip to the Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World we were introduced to paper straws. Maybe reintroduced is a better word. When I was very young, all the straws were made of paper. As we sipped milk through paper straws at the Harambe Market, I was strongly reminded of snack time in kindergarten. We asked and were told plastic straws could harm the animals in the park and even be dangerous for the environment. Like most soft plastic, straws can’t be recycled. They can take up to a thousand years to break down. Because straws are lightweight and easily airborne, many never make it to the landfill. They get together with their friends, clogging waterways, polluting beaches and endangering wildlife. Americans go through 500 million single-use plastic straws daily. Kudos to Disney for banning them – in the Animal Kingdom, at least.

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