David Jacob Eisenhower and Ida Elizabeth Stover were married
in 1885. They had seven sons. Paul, their fifth, died from diphtheria at ten
months. All the rest were called “Ike” as they were growing up. Edgar became an
attorney. Earl was an electrical engineer, Arthur was a banker, Roy was a
pharmacist, and Milton was a college president. Dwight, the only one to keep his
nickname as an adult, became 34th president of the United States. Their mother was an avid quilt maker. Ida wasn’t
overly fond of hand quilting, but she enjoyed making new and beautiful covers
with scraps that might otherwise be tossed. Ida loved doing what she called “fancy
work,” including the elaborate embroidery on crazy quilts. Ida Eisenhower
taught all her surviving sons to piece quilt blocks, and they fondly remembered
stitching alongside their mother. So, yes, that means at least one of our
presidents was a quilter.
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