Friday 10 September 2021

Drunkard's Path


I was in my teens when Nixon made his famous “I am not a crook” speech. I wanted to believe him. I was disturbed by the very idea someone holding the highest office in the land could be a thief and a liar. Most of my friends and teachers were ready to hang him in effigy – several for the simple act of being republican. Though the “smoking gun” linking Nixon to the Watergate break-in was never found, it became more and more obvious in the ensuing months he’d orchestrated many events just as damning. What I didn’t know about this speech until very recently was WHERE it happened. Nixon’s resignation took place at the White House, but when he claimed not to be a crook, he was at a press conference in the Ballroom of the Americas at Disney’s Contemporary Resort – with guests boarding the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom just yards away.

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