Friday 18 February 2011

Alpine Cross

I make mistakes all the time. I make excuses for my mistakes, too. I was tired. I was distracted. The directions were confusing. The truth is I just make lots of mistakes. I usually catch myself before things get too bad, but now and then... I saw an Alpine Cross block on the Internet. There were no directions, but it didn't look complicated. When I make a block like this, I do a pencil drawing before I cut and sew fabric. This time I thought I wouldn't need to do that. Why go to all that trouble? After all, it's just a bunch of half-square triangles. What could go wrong? I finished the block before I realized I'd reversed the lights and darks. I was tempted to leave it, but I knew it would bug me FOREVER. So I took the block completely apart and started again. It’s not great, but it’s RIGHT.

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