Wednesday 2 February 2011

Ground Hog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! I don't know if Punxatawny Phil will see his shadow this morning or not. Maybe he's too smart to even try. If I had a warm burrow to winter in, I don't think I'd poke my head out until the daffodils do. I've been following weather news in the States and feeling very glad to be thousands of miles away. I don't miss the snow and I certainly don't miss the biting cold. Groundhog Day makes much more sense in New England than it does here. There aren't groundhogs in the UK, for one thing. If there were, they'd be unlikely to see their shadows any day of the year. Though technically we have six more weeks until spring is here, you wouldn't know it to look outside. Grass is green, snowdrops are blooming, and squirrels are frisking about like it was April. Are you jealous yet?

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