Monday 28 February 2011

Scorpion Star

Once there was a scorpion who befriended a bull. They became devoted companions, though they could not have been more different. One day a hunter came by and mistook the bull for his prey. He shot and killed the scorpion’s friend before he realized his mistake. Unmoved by the hunter’s remorse, the scorpion stung the hunter’s heel and killed him. As the hunter died he fell on the angry scorpion, crushing him. This unlucky trio was placed in the night sky as a warning to others who will not think before they act. There are many other myths involving Scorpio and Orion, but this one is my favorite. I rather like this Scorpion Star quilt block, too. I ignored the directions to make eight flying geese and drew four paper foundation subsections instead. When in doubt, I always paper piece. It usually saves me trouble in the long run.

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